Time to let the Katana go... (and other news)

Well, the time has finally come to phase the 47" Katana out of our lineup. It's been a great plane for us, but we need the room (both physically in the warehouse and in the website lineup) and so we're closing it out, starting today. To lower the price as far as possible, the closeout ARFs do not include printed manuals (.pdf is on the Katana ARF product page), nor decals, nor velcro, nor our super-cool wheels axles (regular 3mm bolts are included in the boxes). But, the upside is the price, only $79 + shipping. Let the craziness begin.


This week we rec'd a small shipment of airplanes, and were able to put the RED 55" Yak 54's back in-stock, but they're close to selling out again already.


We're getting ready to test Scott Stoops' new 103" Precision/3D plane. It's intended for 85-106CC gas(Single or Twin) or as an electric with the Reaper GR-85 or the Hacker A80 or A100.


More news to come.

Fly Low!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looks structurally yummy so far! Mmmm, balsa/ply structure. Blake said he called to check on the status of the 103" since he's in the market for one. He's dying to buy another plane that size! Keep up the good work-look forward to some flight pics/vids.