3DHS in the UK

3DHobbyShop is proud to announce that 3DHS aircraft will soon be available in the UK and Europe!  Global RC has been named the exclusive distributor of 3DHobbyShop aircraft to the United Kingdom.

Stuart and his crew at Global RC are experienced with ARF aircraft and will be importing the entire 3DHS line.  Their first shipment will be on its way soon with a variety of different aircraft onboard, and more selection will be available during 2012.  Join us in welcoming Global RC into the 3DHS family!  You can find them at www.globalrc.co.uk, their new URL www.3dhobbyshop.co.uk, and their Facebook page!


djmoose said...


SteveT said...

This is great news for our brothers in the UK!! Now they can drink the "Kool-aid" too... :D


aronph said...

goin global baby....