89" Slick UPDATE

We're getting ready to post the 89" Slick product page in the next week, when we do, the 89" Slick will be available in two color schemes done in Ulracote.

Scheme #1 is Andrew's competition scheme. This scheme is probably the most visible scheme I've ever flown. The red curve on the wing top vs. the blue squares on bottom is unmistakable.

Scheme #2 is this yellow scheme, with more straight lines.

Both will be available in limited quantities only, and full-paid pre-orders start soon!

Fly Low



sun.flyer said...

The new color scheme looks great Ben. It should present really well in the air.


Anonymous said...

when will pictures of the new color scheme be available?

Basher said...

Photos of the #2 scheme for the 89" Slick should be ready by Dec 10.